Left: Nikon Coolpix 2500. 2 megapixel. 6 years old. Image size 1600 x 1200, 300 dpi. Quality: fine.
Right: Sony Cyber-shot DSCS750 (?) 7.2 megapixel. 2 (?) years old. Image size 3072 x 2304, 72 dpi. Quality: fine.
- 1st complain, the colour is off. Well, I didn't mug with the setting back then, so it was probably set up poorly.
- 2nd complain, Sony's macro mode sucks! To avoid distortion, I usually zoom in a bit but not all the way. The depth of field is unacceptably shallow. Hence, most of the picture is out of focus. Which is not what I want. Nikon is better at that.
- 3rd complain, images from the Cyber-shot opens in Photoshop as 72 dpi even when image quality is set to the highest. Coolpix opens at 300 dpi.
Close up, no retouching. Click to enlarge. I didn't use a tripod so the angle is a little off.
Conclusion: I still like my 6-year old Coolpix better. And, it's got the swivel lens that is simply not available anymore.
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