Thursday, December 04, 2008


Aaargh!!! There were still mosquitoes in December! As far as I remember, there's been none every time I visited! (But I also pick days no earlier than Christmas. That, makes a huge difference.) The first bite was on the back of my heel right where the shoe rubs against. With all the walking, I had to treat it like a wound everyday. (T_T) The temperature was around 20 degrees. I only managed to pack whatever in use in Vancouver, which were all thick fleece shirts and sweaters. It was too hot!!!! I was soak in sweat every single day. It was tricky, though. I guess if I didn't walk that fast, I'd be fine. But I couldn't help it.

Mrs. L's daughter B treated us to dinner at the Happy Valley Jockey Club. Wow... high society! Well, her husband is a banker, that's why. They have a default maid who takes care of the housework and the kid, then another nanny for their baby girl, plus a driver. A total of 3 helpers for a family of 4. Anyway, they were talking about difficult babies. I think I finally found the reason for my lack of love or nurture, and the lack of trust in other people. When I was 3 months old, I refused to drink milk. Our nanny then force fed me pretty much every meal. This probably tied food and unpleasant experience together, thus making me dislike eating. To make things worse, when I was in grade school, my dad used to threaten (and sometimes actually beat) me with a home-made rattan whip for refusing to eat meat. This only furthered my dislike of meat. The result is an undernourished, short, skinny, and grumpy kid. Well I'm not a kid anymore, but still short, skinny and grumpy.

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