Monday, May 25, 2009


Gotta drive dad to his doctor's appointment. Might as well get that thing in my stomach checked out. It's looooong over due. Didn't know ultrasound examination needs fasting. Sucks! Oh well...

Dinner at Tim Hortons. Thanks Andrew! Their stuff is actually pretty good. Way better than McDonald's or Burger King or Wendy's. The price isn't that much off either.

What? They tape their garbage can shut? No, I haven't seen the new recycling bins yet.

And... 20 minutes per visit, eh? But, but... I eat too slow! I know, I know, it's just covering their butt. If they're serious about enforcing this, I'd be kicked out long before I finish eating.

Thanks Andrew! Huh...? 4.5 inch diagonal pliers... but, but... isn't this a wire cutter, not pliers??? I'm confused...

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