Friday, April 23, 2010

Housesitting (2)

Opened my eyes and it was about 10. Good. Didn't oversleep. But very tired. Didn't sleep well. Must be the mattress, plus all the floor sweeping and bathtub scrubbing last night. I was anticipating a more painful back and neck, but surprisingly bearable. (Doesn't mean painless, though.)

The parcel came... 11:30-ish? Forgot. Raided the fridge and pantry for leftover food for lunch. Since I no longer need to go to North Van, I started washing 2 loads of laundry. Did some ironing. Some internet. Before you know it, the day was over. Scary!

Went home for dinner when one of the students called. They were expecting me?!?! But didn't they get jobs already? Aaaaargh!!!! It was mis-communication. S told me the students got jobs, but actually they're still waiting for confirmation. Shouldn't have assumed. My own fault. Anyway, I'll be seeing them Monday instead.

My back and neck kicked in after shower. How can this be? Shower is supposed to help! (T_T) Or have I been in trip mode?

T's parcel came. She gave me a bunch of handy-down toys because she's moving. Oh my oh my... one man's junk is another man's treasure! And these are not junk! There are a few limited edition Pinkys which are almost impossible to get if you're outside Japan! Thanks T! (^_^) (The photo is not a handy-down. She got it for me during the last WF.)

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