Managed to quickly make a Canada day card while waiting for A to finish lunch. Then we went to Steveston for the salmon festival. We were there at around 4, already late. A wanted to walk around first. We saw an unusual bakery that sells only one type of bread and with a pizza oven (?) on site. There were sampling and it was kind of a tourist attraction. While I was taking pictures of the oven, A bought a loaf... and turn out to be $10!!!! Yikes! Super expensive! He said he didn't seen any price sign but I did see a small one that wasn't very obvious at all. Hmm...
Then we went to the "children festival" where the salmon festival was supposed to be. By then it was close to 5 and lots of booths were packing up. The stages were still active, though. People singing and dancing. There was even a "trade show" with very few tables... perhaps the majority had left. Oh well. Not much of interest.
We walked around, and finally found what looked like the salmon booth. The open fire grill was still smoking, but the booth was empty. We were too late. Dishes were $14 each... not cheap. Oh well!
With this super expensive bread, we'd better not let it go to waste and ate some for dinner. So we went grocery shopping and had ham and cheese sandwich... more like bite size snack, haha! The bread was kind of tough so it had to be sliced very thin. A had chestnut paste from homeland... but forgot to buy whip cream. He insisted on using whip cream so we took a walk to Safeway for that. The dessert was awesome! Similar to those Chinese bakery chestnut cakes but lighter and slightly sweeter. It felt so light, you totally can't detect the fat and calories in it, it's extremely dangerous!
職場での”飲みニケーション”あり?なし?街で聞いた! 忘年会シーズン真っ盛り アンケートではなんと約6割が
26 minutes ago
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