Saturday, February 18, 2012


Only remember half of it. First half I was watching some kind of documentary, but instead of sitting in front of a TV, I was in it. There were a few hosts. The last part I remember is they each demonstrate entrance technique. One guy (kind of looked like William Shatner) said making use of the mirrored wall gives more impact. The background (street scene) turn into black-and-white wire frame while only the host stays in colour.

It kind of connect to the next part. I was still on the street that resembled Central. Lots of trams, lots of tracks, lots of pedestrians. A tram made a sharp turn and threw a woman off onto the road. She landed on the track and rolled and pasted out. Immediately another tram going straight ran her over, on her right arm to be precise. She then woke up and screamed for help. Other pedestrians ran to her aid. I followed. (I know I wouldn't be of much help, but still followed the crowd.) Then a few feet away, there were at least 2 more dead bodies of young men, with at least one of their head broken open. I didn't see them directly. It was only an image in my head when other pedestrians screamed. Then I woke up...

Seems like I've been having more bad dreams since taking sleeping pills...

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