Thursday, July 05, 2012


Had to get up extra early for Aa. Got only 4 hours sleep. Very stiff and tired. Hopped to drive A to work and then borrow his bus pass. Ran late and ended up picking it up at his office. Bought a bag of Brookside goodies on my way to the parkade (parked at Dr. Y's). Moved my car to near A's home as the mall seems to be straighter about parking now. Made a mistake and took the long route. Needed to go pee so I exited one stop sooner and went into the mall. Aa beat me to the hotel. Luckily he was still there so the shoes handover happened smoothly.

Aa seemed grumpy while his 2 friends were more friendly. He had to meet another friend for lunch and left early. I stayed for a bit longer and went past my parking deadline. Thank God nothing bad happened. After returning the bus pass to A, I was starving and went directly home. It was 2 when I ate.

Next, taking the shoes to dad. Mom also had a few pairs of shorts to drop off to him. I played with the cat while mom cut dad's hair. Finally I could take a photo of the cat.

Then we went to buy the $2 ice-cream. My car doesn't have A/C so it was hot enough to drop the ice-cream off home before heading out again to feed brother's Guinea pigs. Mom and I ate at the Shanghai restaurant nearby. Quality dropped so much, I gotta remember not to go back again. Out of the 3 dumplings I ate, 2 of them contained pieces of egg shells. Didn't get to buy any veggies. Oh well.

Came home and kept dosing off at the desk...

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