(Picture is taken on the 15th and unrelated to subject.)
Finally went to get yogurt, but... A wasn't feeling well so I took him home instead. The monster got me yet again. Normally I should be able to handle that. I think I'm right at the breaking point.
Finally went to London Drugs hoping to get some of those Ferraro Collection. Sold out of course. Only managed to get the 16 pieces Ferraro Rocher. Better than none. Oh well.
Now that the commode is set up in the upstairs toilet, I have to go to the basement every time I need to go. Unfortunately the knock is shy outside home base. It sucks. (Yes I have problem when traveling.)
The itchy skin rash on my neck has been there for over 2 weeks and isn't going away. I see this together with hair lost being a result of stress. Well, at least I can cover my neck up, not like the corner of my mouth.
ビジネスバッグの中に包丁 「護身用として包丁を隠し持っていた」会社員の27歳男を現行犯逮捕
36 minutes ago
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