Mom went downstairs to wash dad's crap-filled pants. Turns out there are plenty of chunks inside the pants. She soaked it in a bucket unknowingly and the water turn.... (sigh...)
Really didn't want to see it. Dad had a trail of crap down the back of his legs. Besides washing the crappy pants, mom had to wash him up too. I can't deal with it. All I could do was to lit scented candles and open the doors to let fresh air in. It's really cold. -7 they said? Better cold than stinks.
Got a headache. Must be from the foul smell.
Are we gonna be all like this when we grow old? When my time comes, there will be no one around to take care of me. I'm pretty sure. But I'm equally sure that I won't live too long either. So, we'll see.
Again, women living longer then men is a curse. They end up having to care for their ill husbands, and suffer greatly in the process. In my dad's case, most of his original personally is gone. What's left is gluttony and selfishness. No one is having a good time, especially mom.
I wish my death will come swift and painless, and not cause anyone any trouble.
ビジネスバッグの中に包丁 「護身用として包丁を隠し持っていた」会社員の27歳男を現行犯逮捕
43 minutes ago
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