Friday, July 30, 2010


So sick and tired of dad leaving pee and snot and booger all over the place. (T_T) So sick and tired of him ignoring anything we say and just do things his way. So sick and tired of hating myself for feeling down all the time. (T_T)

Yup, he doesn't wipe his butt and insists nothing had come out from this rear end. He leaves his dentures in his mouth overnight and not brush them. His breath stinks. OK he stinks from his own pee and crap anyway. I just don't want to be anywhere closer than 5 feet from him. If mom collapses, he will have to go to a nursing home immediately and permanently. Why does God hate us so much?

Finally finished pricing the necklaces and sent the info to Miki. Took 4 to 5 days. Way too long. And this wasn't factored into the cost. Yup, I'm fighting a loosing battle. Wish I could just give up and leave.

Yup, I'm in monster mode. The weather's changing. It's only 3 days after the last chiropractor's appointment. I'm already unable to think. No fair. (T_T)

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