Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another year

Is it because of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami? Or is it the stacking up of another year? Why am I in such a bad mood? Why am I so out of control? What's going on? What's this black thing which is devouring my heat?

Another year has past and I have nothing to show. I can't see anything ahead. It's all black. Blank. No nothing.

But I know I should be happy that I'm still alive. That I'm not hungry and have a roof over my head. For now.

Alive... but what's the meaning of being alive?

There's no meaning for me.

I can't help but desperately wanting to press the power switch.

I know there's no guarantee that it will switch back on again.

I want to destroy everything.

If I still exist afterward, maybe I can rebuild something.

I want someone to tell me things are gonna be OK. I want someone to show me that there's still a future.

No one.

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