Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Geriatric sucks

Dad's geriatric appointment today. He scored lower in the memory test. The doctor said let's change drugs in 6 months. I so want to tell her mom wants to stop the treatment. It's only prolonging our suffering.

Why does the system only care about the patient but not those around him? We are the ones who are getting sick and seriously need help! She wouldn't even want to hear us. We don't need more education. We know the facts already. We are already grossly over our limits. "He's like a baby now", yeah right... baby your ass. Let's see what you'll say if he's living in your house.

Ate out for lunch, grocery shopping, picked up some hand-me-down food from Mrs. K, dad had to go pee and ended up urinating in her backyard. (T_T) Came home, dad immediately hunt for food. (T_T)

Maya, nap, Maya, nap, brother came over to have a hair cut. More Maya, more nap. Spending way too long to model a Pinky head. Looks simple but not! No help. 90% of my time was spent hunting down answers online. But the web only goes so far. Am I fighting a loosing battle?????????

How do those fake virus scans hijack any web sites? I keep getting hit. Super annoying! I think I'm running self-destruct mode. 3 huge bags of chips in 3 days. Why? Why?Why?Why?Why?

Dad left a puddle of pee in front of the kitchen sink, and he denies it as usual. Gross gross gross gross gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't his pants soak the pee up as it ran down his legs???????

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