Sunday, May 18, 2008


2am, at least two, maybe three drunk guys were walking down half a block around the corner, swearing and making a lot of noise. A police truck came within 10 minutes and seemed to have picked them up. 3am, there were some noise so I looked, and saw a fire truck, plus maybe a police truck or ambulance at that site. (The bright area on the left.) The streaks of lights in the photo are the fire truck. Hmm... I wonder what happened?

It was so hot yesterday, my brain went on strike. Trying to do some house cleaning on the hard drive, but couldn't find a lot of stuff. (T_T) Then by the time I went to bed, I noticed my dad's dentures weren't soaking in the usual cup. Which means, he forgot to take his dentures off. Then today, I caught him struggling at the "water station" for a few minutes. What was he doing? He was trying to screw a Sobe cap onto a Minutemaid bottle. Sigh...

And of course as usual, he never admits he spills pee on the floor. Stinks. Literally. (T_T)

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