It was after 11 PM. Rainy.
I went to fill up at Knight and 57th. At 113.9, they were the cheapest. They usually are. The place was packed. I took the only empty pump furthest from the 7-11.
Then a middle-aged female beggar came hassle me. I've encountered her before right at this gas station. She was asking for empty bottles and cans before, but this time she upgraded to asking for change. She even showed me a handful of pennies, saying something like, need so much more for a hamburger from McDonald's across the street.
I hate encouraging them by giving money so I always say no. Especially this one after the "upgrade" from "I'm willing to do some work" to "just hand me money". I told her I don't have my change purse. (OK, I lied.)
Strangely, I noticed all other cars have disappeared. I'm sure not even a full minute had passed. It was totally like a twilight zone. It was late, rainy, and no one was around.
I went about my business at the pump. She wouldn't go away and kept hassling me. She even said she's not a beggar. (Yeah right.) OK I didn't want to be a bitch. So I gave her the nice Lindt Halloween chocolate from A happened to be in my handbag. (T_T) She said, she has missing teeth and can't eat candy. She needs real food. I said, it's chocolate, put it in your mouth and it will melt. She then asked if I could go across the street and buy her a hamburger from the McDonald's using my card!!!!!
I snapped.
I said, can't you wait until I'm finished? Then she put a chocolate in her mouth, saying she loves chocolate "too". (Yeah, that's why you have missing teeth.) Then she started yapping about working for the police, missing women, Robert Pickton... I said, what? You work for the police and you don't even get enough to eat? Then she said no and something about an identical twin. I couldn't hear her too well in the rain, but nothing had any substance. I'm sure she made it all up.
I just want to get out of there. No hamburger, sorry. So I went around the car (into the rain) and gave her a pack of Thin Addictives from the glove box. She was very disappointed. She said this is not real food, and still wanted me to go across the street to buy her a hamburger. Geeze... I really snapped. I brought out the whole accident made me loose my job, now working minimum wage part time, 30-minute lunch = $4 deduction off my pay thing. And I really have no time for this because I need every second to product hand crafts to sell at the craft fair coming up in 3 weeks. She then gave me the "yeah yeah right" face and slowly walked away. She did say "have a good night" at the end, though.
She must have thought I'm rich or something. It's true that I'm dressed up tonight. Forgot to tell her it's just a Halloween costume.
Now, I feel like I'm a bitch. But I cannot do what she asked of me either.
ビジネスバッグの中に包丁 「護身用として包丁を隠し持っていた」会社員の27歳男を現行犯逮捕
49 minutes ago