Friday, October 26, 2007

11 years

Wow... time really fies. Can't believe it's been 11 years since half of my brain was gone. And this rod has been sitting on my book case for almost 10 years. It's like a bad dream that won't wake up... because it's not a dream.

A person is defined by his/her memory.

Tonight at the hot tub at YMCA, a lady called me by my name. We started chatting. Apparently I should know her. We even ate out together, but I can't remember a bit of that. I don't even remember her face. It was super awkward and uncomfortable. I just wanted to get out of there ASAP.

Actually, the other day when I dropped off a book to my ex-colleague, similar situation happened. A few other ex-colleagues walked by and said hi. They were people who I worked with for years. Some were on my team. But I can't remember their names. (Well, at least I remember their faces, but that's not good enough.) They called me by my name, but I can't return that. It was beyond awkward. It was scary. That probably is what keeping me from returning to the field. (T_T)


Anonymous said...

Three things :
(1) I used to find your blog's name funny. I didn't know it was based on a real event.
(2) This rod was pat of the trauma or part of the cure ?
(3) the Atom thread for the comments is a good new feature

MC said...

(1) Yup. But it's still just a metaphor. No physical brain tissue was lost.
(2) Cure.
(3) I never use it haha...