Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Doesn't look like my younger niece has grown as normal as I thought. She likes my Pinky dolls, and always ask if I have any when we eat out. She's been pretty good with the dolls, but tonight she poked a pen into the hole of my Pinky's hand and got it dirty. I said, you naughty girl, and took the Pinky back. Then she cried and hide her face all throughout dinner. (But she was absolutely calm and normal when she ate. Then after she's done eating, she cried again. So fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) She would not answer when I asked her why she cried. I tried to talk some reason into her, but she completely ignored me. Her whole body language was saying, "you have done something terrible to me."

What the heck is that? Who's the victim here? Obviously, her tears was not because she felt sorry she's done something wrong, but she thought I was mean to her. How can she think she can do whatever she wants, and whatever she wants is right? How can a 9-year old not understand action and consequence? What made me upset, was her mom being on her side instead of teaching her to behave. Sigh...

I know, I know. This is exactly why I should not have kids. And this is exactly why my life is at a dead end.

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