Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seaweed Crunch

Soken Natural Seaweed Crunch, It's out of my normal price range so I would have never bought it. Thanks Andrew!

Hmm... identity crisis! It says "product of Japan", but the picture on the bag looks more like Chinese than Japanese. This is basically a western style rice cracker trying to be Japanese, but got lost in the process and became something else, which is neither Japanese nor Chinese.

$3 a 60g bag at Capers, way too expensive. But they only sell organic and "good" stuff. Taste... OK I guess. Since it's supposed to be healthy, there's no MSG or salt. (Salt is listed under part of miso, though.) It's quite plain for someone who's used to the Japanese soy sauce flavored rice cracker like me. The seaweed tastes mild. Seems like taste and unhealthiness are inseparable.

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