Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alfort biscuits

Alfort: mild milk flavour biscuit (blue box)
Isn't this the Japanese version of "Le Petit Écolier"? (Although I have yet to try it.)
Each box contains 12 bite size pieces. The cookie part is digestive cookie. (Is Le Petit Écolier like this too?) It says it contains gold powder, but I didn't see any. (Is it all mixed in or too small to be seen?) The taste is as it says, mild. Not too sweet and leaves no aftertaste. Pretty nice. As a cookie, there seems to be too much chocolate. It's better to consider this as a chocolate snack. The addictive factor is medium although I ate the whole box in one sitting. (And then felt the weight of the chocolate.)

Alfort: caramel sale biscuit (yellow box)
Sale (sa-lei) seems to be French and means "salty". Yup you can taste the salt, and what a surprise a pinch of salt can do! This one is a lot more delicious than the plain milk chocolate variety. First impression was kind of milk-heavy. But the caramel quickly overwrites it. I just learned recently that putting a little bit of salt into milk tea adds more depth to the taste. It must be the same here. Pretty addictive. If I buy another one, it will be the yellow box.

BTW, what's the difference between a biscuit and a cookie???

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