Saturday, June 07, 2008

Some sites

Just doing some house cleaning...

Brand New (Logo design.)
Design Police (Handy stickers for designers?)
Pennylicious (Money trivia.)
Ron Wise's Banknote world (Paper money around the wold.)
Cats that look like Hitler! (The name says it all.)
Official Seal Generator (Make your own seal.)
Antique Poison Bottle Hall of Fame (Interesting looking bottles.)
Cadmium cancer risk (Yikes... I used to use "cadmium yellow" ink a lot.)
Birth simulation medical training manikin (OMG...)
In your hands (Interesting perspective.)
Blood puddle pillows (Requires sense of humour.)
The Teleporting Cat Trick (Interesting...)
Harpejji (Harp? Not?)
Very funny ads (Addictive.)
The official Gerald Scarfe website (Furniture? Sculpture?)
jeu d oranges
(Orange peel sculptures. French site? Can't read...)
Cool Things Finishes of Cardboard Art (Looks cool.)
Is your washing machine OK? (Mold grows inside them.)
Pencil sculpture (Carving a pencil. Nice.)
Bugnits (Bug size miniature sweaters.)
Halloween Costume Masterpieces (Best and worst costumes.)
Stacking bottles (Good idea.)
Breast implants on leg (It's for a tattoo.)
Vegiform (Molds vegetables.)

How to prank a telemarketer (Haha...)
Not a cupid? (Japanese weirdness.)
Sexy cell phone strap
(Japanese weirdness again.)
Body parts goods (Japanese weirdness continues.)
How to put on a Fundoshi (Japanese loin cloth.)
Lite Cube 7 (Lights up when dropped into liquid.)
Portable A/C (Is that just a can of compressed air?)
I wanna make ice-cream faces (Making faces out of ice-cream.)
Reaction test (Game)

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