Thursday, August 21, 2008

Telus really sucks!!!!

Yeah... my weekly chiropractor appointment. He took a week off in the beginning on August, and will be taking another week off at the end of the month. Looks like he's taking time off more and more often. Must be making lots of money. My money. (T_T)

OK, the subject. Telus really sucks!!!! Out of no where, they billed us $40 more, saying it's a one time fee to combine the internet and the phone onto the same billing day. Hey wait a minute! I didn't ask for that! So don't just go ahead and do it without getting my consent and then charge me! First the text message fee, and now this? Grrrr... I'm not looking forward to making complains over the phone, because I'm in crunch time right now. I have no time for that!!!

Sorry I'm grumpy, thanks to the recent weather fluctuations. (T_T) I just hate turning into a monster and can't do anything about it. (T_T)

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