Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Squid chocolate

Sent by EMS from Japan, thanks Sora for this wacky junk food! (Well, maybe not as junk as stuff like chips and candy bar.) Chocolate-covered shredded dry squid... You'd think only Japanese can come up with this combination, but noooo. There is a Hawaiian version. Exactly the same idea, but 5 times bigger. (See the review of this and the Hawaiian one at Kishokunoyakata.)

I saved it for a special occasion, my brother's birthday. (Actually it was in the second half of April, but I forgot to take a picture, so the review is delayed.) Yeah, call me chicken, but Sora gave me enough warning to scar me from eating it alone, haha!

Each box contains 5 small bags. Although I gave them a bag each, my brother and his wife shared one just in case. They didn't comment on whether it tastes good or not. But rather, "it's like putting dry squid in your left cheek and chocolate in your right cheek, each retaining its own distinctive flavour." If it was good, they would have said so. Which means, they didn't really like it. Oops! But my sister-in-law kept her unopened bag. Maybe she was being polite, but I'm pretty sure she would eat it at home too.

When I tried it, it doesn't taste as horrible as I imagined. (How can you not picture it as the most yucky thing when multiple warning signs are flashing?) It's true that they have distinctive flavours, but if you separate them in your mind, it's not bad at all! It's like dry squid that's sweeter than regular ones. The squid part tastes good, and so does the chocolate part. Think of it as squid instead of chocolate. That's the trick.

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