Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rooster vs Cock

The cold is finally on it's way out. There's still some runny nose and sore throat. At least I don't need to wrap a fleece blanket outside 2 pairs of pants anymore. My mom's cough is almost gone but my dad is still quite miserable. (Yeah... due to his age probably.) Seems like the cold got them in their lungs and got me in the nose and throat. Now I just need to nurse the canker sore until it heals.

Anyway, it's Chinese new year soon (Feb 7). Such flyers are flooding in. This one is from Superstore. Some are "cock" while others are "rooster". Well, it's very, very rare to see the word "cock" used in packaging, thanks to it's alternative meaning. Ah, that reminds me of...
Q: What's a female peacock called?
A: Peahen.

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