Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween! No time for a photo shoot... sorry.

Brother stopped by for a few minutes to show us his girl's new costumes. The candy vending machine was upgraded a little, then went to niece G. She actually sold about $20 worth of candies to her classmates. At 25 cent each, that was around 80 sold! Then niece N dressed up as a (new) pop-corn vending machine. Her classmates don't have money so she only sold very few. I got to try it on for a photo too, yay~!

I was lucky because I could ask brother airbrush questions. After they left, I finally used A's airbrush for the first time. It was way more difficult than I thought. First, the craft paint had to be thin enough, which, backfired on me. It lost coverage power and so runny, it left pools. Cleanup was a big hassle too. I need a lot more practice.

Of course dad torn up another shirt again...

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