Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Kitchen drawer

Finally got fed up with the cutlery drawer and did a total cleanup. It's unbelievable what's been sitting there, and how dirty it is! Straws from fast food joints, take-out plastic cutlery and disposable wooden chopsticks (may have been used), and a large amount of mystery tiny plastic spoons! (I suspect those were from fertilizer or something like that.) Also lots of plastic chopsticks. On top of all that, a bunch of metal sticks wrapped up in paper napkins... dad's homemade crab-eating tools! I'm 200% sure those metal sticks were once part of something else. There were a few bottle caps and a couple of metal wires... sigh... (T_T) That drawer, I'm sure hasn't been touched since the day we moved in 21 years ago.

Finally cleaned up some e-mail too.

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