Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Looks like I'm remembering my dreams frequently these days. But this also means disturbed sleep.

Forgot most of last night's dream, but what I do remember was, I was traveling with my anime night friends, and we went into this huge snack store to pick up some munchies. The shelves were packed all the way up to the high ceiling. It was at night, and we had to go somewhere afterward. There were so many to choose from, I took a long time. I finally picked a drink that looks like ginger ale, but in a large Kikkoman flask-like bottle, with a freebie toy.
My friends left and wait for me outside the store. I tried to quickly search for something salty to eat, like some kind of chips to go with the soft drink. It took forever. I couldn't make up my mind. Then my friends came back in angry, saying I took too long.

I think the doorbell woke me up at that point.

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