Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Case Manager

Woke up at 1, no one was home. Mom left me a note saying the L's have taken them out for dim sum. But, but, but! Our case manager was coming for a visit at 2! As I rushed to make oatmeal for lunch, aunt C phoned. Then brother phoned asking how the meeting went. Mom didn't tell him that it was postponed. I didn't get to finish eating when the lady showed up right on time.

Mom did come back in time, with the L's. Mrs. L wanted a haircut which ate right into our meeting. Mom was too kind not to leave her hanging in midair and ended up missing part of the meeting.

It lasted for an hour and went well. Our case manager now see how dad is doing, and gave us 4 nursing homes she would recommend. One has a super long waiting list, so that's out of the picture. Dad's birthday is coming up. I wanna wait till after that to set up some tours.

Mr. L wanted to borrow the printouts right away... geeze... did he have to take them away before I can call??? I ended up scanning them and tried to print out a set. However, my 9-year-old scanner didn't handle it too well, and I ended up having to do massive touch-ups. Great waste of time... (T_T) At the end, Mr. L realized it wasn't appropriate and left saying no rush, he'd pick them up next time. (Now that I think about it, why didn't I use the other scanner from A? Aaaaargh!)

Kept dosing off at the desk again. Why am I so tired? Worked on some necklaces to keep me awake. I should really be reading the Maya book. But I also need to stay awake... (>_<;)

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