Friday, March 30, 2012

Move (2)

Mom was gonna pick up dad's remaining laundry in the morning despite my objection. However, grand aunt Y called and they ended up talking for an hour. (God was trying to stop her too. Thanks.) If it was just a visit, it would be fine. But picking up who-knows-how-many-bags of stuff? A car is much better. (And why is she so reluctant to ask for my help?)

Got up late at lunch time again. Mom kept rushing me as aunt L wanted to go with us. So my plan of picking up the laundry completely fell apart. There were unfinished paper work too. Just as I was ready to leave, I realized I forgot to make a copy of the forms. Had to do a bunch of last minute scanning. It's times like this that the scanner feels super slow. And it is 10 years old after all.

We got there around 2. Dad seemed happy with the new place. Good. Mom and aunt L went to see him as I took care of the rest of the paper work. Played with their residence cat for a bit. Stayed for an hour, but again forgot to take any pictures! Aaaaargh!!!!!

Drove aunt L home, and went to pick up the laundry from the old nursing home. Mom came along. I'm glad she did. Because their parking lot was full, and I had to wait in the car. Luckily someone left and I got a spot soon. There were 2 big shopping bags of laundry. I'm also glad to have a chance to greet and thank the staff one last time.

It's been raining so we didn't feel like going anywhere else. (Otherwise grocery shopping etc.) Got home and cleaned up the document scans until dinner. Of course dosing off every-now-and-then...

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