Monday, October 11, 2010

Cross-border shopping

Tagged along with brother's gang. It's been a while... since last time I cost them Costco's closing time.

Brother was aiming at leaving the house at 7:30, yet his BBQ party guests didn't leave until midnight. With cleanup and everything, they ended up going to bed at 1. Sis-in-law couldn't sleep probably because of stress.

I've been busy online with purchases and searches (coupons and list of stores for the trip). By the time I went to bed, it was 5. (T_T) Tossing and turning for gods-know-how-long. Took a look at the alarm clock, it was 6:15! Afterward it was nothing but to wait for the alarm to ring. Of course I beat to clock to it. Didn't not get any sleep at all. (T_T)

Arrived at brother's slightly after 7:30. Turn out he wasn't ready. We left the house at 8:10. Lineup wasn't that bad. About 30 minutes or so? I left my cell phone at home which is also my watch, so I lost all sense of time today. Should remember to wear a watch next time.

We got to the first store at around 9:30. 2 rounds of clothing shopping for the girls. They grow so fast, they're outgrowing the clothes they bought at back-to-school. Then Joann. Got some beading supply but not exactly what I'm looking for. Just some common stuff. Got those 7mm pompoms too, yay~!!!

Then lunch at a certain Walmart. (I had no idea which malls... all day.) The 3-items-for-$10 bucket is a good deal. Quality is appropriate to the price, though. We bought a big bottle of juice so the meal only cost $14 for all 5 of us.

Then... more clothes shopping for the girls. It was... either Target or K-mart or Ross... Can't remember. Somewhere we went past another small Joann but gave it up. Then it was Michael's. But this branch was like after a big hurricane. Things were a mess and not replenished. Still managed to get some stuff thanks to an online 50% coupon. Thanks my brother and 2 nieces for helping me use them.

Next was... some other store? Then another Michael's. This one was much better with more stuff and more organized.

Let's see... we stopped at 2 Michael's, 1 Johann, 2 Walmart, 1 Target, 1 K-mart, 1 Ross, 1 Kohl's, 1 Costco... I think I missed some.

Had dinner at Costco. I got a hotdog. The ice-cream mom requested was the last thing to buy. The lineup back wasn't too bad either. 30 minutes maybe? Geeze... I'm totally lost in time.

Arrived at home around 9:30. Sooooo tired and sleepy....

I brought along a Pinky but didn't take any Pinky pictures. Awwww... All day, the only picture I took was the infamous "press button, receive bacon" hand dryer. I think that was at Walmart. Those dryers are not very common over here.

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