Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Made the actual appointment with the drainage company and then went to my over-due car tune-up. Yup, got there at 1:30, late for half and hour. Mr. C was busy with the phone and other customers so I was left alone for 15 minutes. Serves me right for being late. When the mechanic came for my keys, it was 2. Mr. C's got good business because he's honest. Caucasian customers seem to have doubled since my last visit. It was 4 by the time I was done. Cost 300 bucks, though. The muffler needed to be replaced. I'm sure it would be a lot more expensive elsewhere.

Went to the recycling depot to dump a bunch of stuff. The junk at home hardly decreased. There's no time left for more dumping. Cousin K comes this Saturday.

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