Monday, August 01, 2011

House-sitting (3)

Final day. Student T ended up not coming back at all. Brother bought a giant (human size) teddy bear for niece G. Niece N chose a handbag. Both were 30 bucks. Also a Wii and and Apple time capsule. They wanted an Intuos tablet too, but sold out. Each time they go camping, they max out the tax exemption limit. (Who wouldn't?)

Found some clearance clip art books on Amazon and couldn't resist. Called A for some questions. He was taking a walk in English bay. It didn't make me feel good knowing that he never thought of inviting me. Thus the idea of him not wanting to spend time with me. Am I wrong to think that way? I texted him that, and he never replied. I think that's a silence "yes". Was that all there is, then? Do we have nothing else? I know I'm not the brightest person, but am I such a bum and no fun to be with?

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